Friday, April 26, 2013

One day down...

So, we did it.  After hitting snooze ONLY ONCE... pretty great, right??... we got up at 4:50 a.m. and made our way to Planet Fitness.  I may or may not have slept for another hour after we got back home.  Small victories.  Yay for us.  The new grocery list is ready to go... full of fruits and veggies for juicing and smoothies, and lean meats for protein.

Yesterday, I literally ate until I hated myself.  It's true.  I didn't really think it was possible... but, it is.  I promise.  The day started out just fine... sugar free oatmeal for breakfast.  After that, every single thing that I put into my mouth was absolutely, 100% full of grease and/or fat.  It "may" have included mini cheeseburgers, chips and cheese dip, a few French fries, and a piece of cake.  That just brings us to 4:30 p.m. when I left work.  After that, I definitely went into self-denial.  The rest of the evening is pretty much a blur.  I'm pretty sure a hot dog and some form of ice cream was involved.  UGH.  But, it was actually a good thing.  I felt so completely and utterly disgusting by the time I went to bed... had a full-on stomach ache to the point of nausea... that I was determined to end the horrible habits.  Luckily, I self-induced a sugar coma and didn't even make it to the end of The Vampire Diaries.  This ensured that I would actually get 8 full hours of sleep, leaving no excuse to get up just before 5:00 a.m. and put some much needed exercise back into my life.  And, IT WORKED!!! 

So, a great 40 minute workout this morning... sugar free oatmeal for breakfast; lunch included an apple, low-sodium V8 juice, and yogurt.  I snacked on some raw almonds, too.  I even turned down an absolutely glorious basket of cookies - all day!

But, that's just ONE day down.  There are hundreds to go... keep the encouragement coming, people!  Next week, once I'm really back into my routine, I promise to be more fun.  Really.  Until then:


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