Just Me

I'm Heather. My husband is Todd; we've been married for 10 years.  He use to have an epic beard.  Now he just has a normal beard.  No kids, one dog - a boxer named Mocha.  Warning - you'll hear a lot about her.  It's true. 

Stuff I like:  reading, writing, Jesus, music, shopping, makeup, tattoos, weird randomness, cooking, health and fitness, family, friends, movies...

Stuff I DON'T like:  spiders, bees, snakes, all things that fly or slither or have more than 4 legs on purpose, feet, the word "moist," my dog being much stronger than I am, having to eat 5 servings of vegetables per day... let's be honest... this pretty much never happens.
By day, I'm a tax auditor support specialist. By night, I'm in bed by like 9:00 pm. Because I really, really love to sleep. Oh yeah, I did go to college. I'm a Malone Pioneer. Got a BA in History back in 2002. People usually think I'm about 10 years younger than I really am. I can relate pretty much anything that anyone has to say, during any conversation, at any given time, to a movie or a song. It's a gift.
But seriously... I love reading and writing a whole, whole lot!!!  ENJOY!!!!!

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