I realize that I'm a pretty open book when it comes to... well... pretty much everything. But, I'm sure there HAS to be a few things you didn't know about me. Why 42 you ask? Well, why not? Also, because I can't think of any more than 42.
1. I like green. Specifically mint green.
2. Favorite ice cream flavor of all time: Butter Pecan
3. My first pet was a hamster. Her name was Minnie. My friend Rachel later confessed to me that she accidentally killed Minnie. Secretly, I wasn't sad. Minnie was a vicious biter.
4. I'm obsessed with nail polish. Seriously...
5. The thing I'm most self-conscious about when it comes to my body is my under arm flab. Seriously, you could fly to Japan and back on my arm fat if the wind is blowing.
UGH. Any ideas to get rid of this ASAP are totally welcome.
6. We use Poo-pourri at our office at work. Do you KNOW about this stuff???
Well, if you don't, you need to become best friends with it and set up a dinner date because it is A-Mazing. Seriously. It's like you NEVER pooped.
7. After meeting my future brother-in-law (the one that isn't Tom), his first impression of me was that
"I looked like one of those girls that dates black guys."
Welcome to the family???
8. #1 Pet Peeve: chipped nail polish. Please refer to #4 above.
9. I've seriously only thought of eight things up to this point? Crap. I know; this doesn't count.
So, how about this? OH - interesting tidbit - I can type 100 wpm with 98% accuracy.
It's okay to be jealous of my skills.
10. I don't eat ANY condiments... well, other than barbecue sauce.
And not just any barbecue sauce... anything that isn't mustard or vinegar based.
I despise mustard. And vinegar. And ketchup, relish, mayo, almost all salad dressings...
11. To compensate for my hate of all things condiment, I really, really, really, really love cheese.
12. My dog eats EOS lip balm eggs on a semi-regular basis. For real, it's like Boxer crack.
OPEN candy bar sitting on the floor next to an EOS egg...
EOS wins every single time.
13. It is not fun to clean up "the next day" after the dog eats an EOS lip balm egg.
14. My hair has been basically every "normal" color imaginable... and some not-so-ordinary colors as well. Blond? check. Black? Currently (do NOT refer to #7). Brown? Grows that way out of my head naturally. I think. Red? Yep. Various highlights? You bet. Pink? It's happened. Also orange-ish and green-ish, but not on purpose.
15. 13 piercings and 3 tattoos. For now...
16. I despise feet. So much. I don't even like to talk about them. I'm done with #16. Yuck.
17. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
18. I only really want ONE child. That'll do.
19. I pretty much have a four-way tie for favorite movie(s) of all-time:
The Sound of Music
(did you hear a re-make is happening??? I know; you haven't...)
French Kiss
Dumb and Dumber
Judge away.
![]() |
Because you won't look it up... |
20. Next tattoo: A bleeding heart on my right shoulder. Not like a
bleeding HEART. The plant. Look it up; they're neato.
21. Yes, I AM currently writing TWO books!
22. Speaking of books, my favorite book ever is The Magician's Nephew. Yep, I like it even better than The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
23. My college nickname is BW. What does it stand for? Butt wipe. True story.
I have a shirt to prove it.
24. I'm really bad at doing laundry for a number of reasons. I don't ever separate colors, I tend to leave wet clothes in the machine for days at a time, and I hate to iron... like, we don't even OWN an iron or ironing board any longer. Yep.
25. This one is blatantly obvious if you've known me for three seconds.... I love Hello Kitty. Don't believe me? Um, just check my Facebook and Instagram profiles.
26. If I ever came "face to face" with a snake I would soil myself... without a doubt.
27. I have this really annoying nervous habit of biting the inside of my cheeks. I wish I could stop. It's a yucky habit.
28. When I was two-weeks old my mother "accidentally" threw me away.
I'm completely not joking about any of this.
Literally, I somehow flung my infant body over her shoulder and into the waste basket - head first.
Explains A LOT.
29. I have three nephews and one niece. They're all awesome. Probably because I'm their aunt.
30. I have never had a cavity. EVER! No fillings, no crowns.
The most traumatic dental-related incident was having my wisdom teeth out in college.
Go me.
31. Birds. Don't like them. Babies are sometimes cute, but then they grow up and get all squawky and beaky and territorial. No thank you.
Specific bird hate: MOCKINGBIRDS. Evil, evil spawns of THE DEVIL.
I'm pretty sure you would feel the same way if you had been attacked on numerous occasions.
Emus are really horrible, too. Ick.
32. Worst job ever? Another tie.
a) Preschool teacher that had to clean up two-year-old poop and pee ALL DAY LONG
b) Working at a cheese and fruit market.
I cannot, to this day, even stomach to look at Feta cheese.
Barf, barf, barf, barf, barf.
33. I had this little stuffed pink cat that I use to carry around with me everywhere and sing,
"Heather's got a little kitty... little kitty... little kitty."
But seriously, my BFF Bobbie and I use to go up to my attic and tie a really long string around this STUFFED cat's neck. Then, we'd call for my grandpa to come up to the attic. The moment he opened the door to come up the steps we would drop the cat from the string onto his head and try to knock off his hat. I have no idea why this was fun.
34. One time, when I was three, I was getting ready to take a bath. My aunt and cousins stopped over and my mom left me in the bathroom so she could answer the door. How did I greet my family? Well,
a) I was totally naked, and
b) I thought it would be a warm welcome to squat in front of the TV, right there in the living room, and pee. I've always been a really classy chick.
35. I'm a two o'clock in the afternoon type person. Mornings: No. Nights: Worse.
36. I've had a total of three surgeries in my life. Wisdom teeth and two surgeries to reconstruct my nose. Not out of vanity, folks (although I did get an amazing nose out of the ordeal)....
I broke it in a car accident when I was 16.
37. I played the flute from 4th grade until 9th grade. Not yazz flute. Just regular flute.
38. My favorite way to eat grapes? Frozen.
39. I know more than any individual human being should know when it comes to Saved By The Bell trivia. It's true. Oh, you wanted to know:
The name of Samuel "Screech" Powers' girlfriend?
Answer: Violet Bickerstaff... played by Tori Spelling.
And Zack's crush the summer that they worked at The Malibu Sands Beach Club?
Answer: That was Stacey Carosi... played by Leah Remini.
Zack's band? Answer: The Zack Attack.
What does the "A.C." stand for in A.C. Slater? Answer: Albert Clifford.
You're welcome.
40. I tend to have extremely vivid dreams and I almost always remember them.
In specific detail. A recent dream?

I seriously don't know what's wrong with me, guys (Is my Ohio showing??).
41. When I was little, my mom always use to recite the following poem to me:
"There was a little girl, who had a little curl,
In the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good, she was very, very good,
But when she was bad, she was horrid."
That should give you a pretty clear picture of me at age 5.
42. I really love this picture:
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